In our final workshop for my Graduate Diploma in Spiritual
Direction today, we took a closer look at the Enneagram. For those of you
unfamiliar with the Enneagram, it is an ancient tool that looks at our personality
and how we tend to deal with life. It emphasizes our greatest strength and
weakness. I have done some reading about the Enneagram and listened to some CDs,
but this workshop was more experiential. We had the opportunity to talk in
groups with people of the same number and to really understand ourselves
I am a number 5 which, for those who are unfamiliar, is a
person who has the self-talk “I am wise”. I have a tendency to gather knowledge
to fill my emptiness and withdraw from people and relationships. Sometimes I
find it difficult to get out of my head and actually allow myself to experience
life at an emotional or body level. We discussed today that the point of
conversion or transformation for a 5 is to move from merely observing life to
finding Holy Wisdom.
The facilitator that I worked with, who was also a 5, spoke
of how she needed to rediscover the person of Jesus in her spiritual life as he
was the embodiment of Holy Wisdom. She encouraged me to do the same in my own
life. I know that I possibly put more emphasis on God the Creator or God the
Spirit rather than God the Incarnate. This is probably a well-practiced
avoidance strategy in staying in my head and out of the body experience.
There is a lot that has arisen out of this exploration of
the Enneagram. It is far more than just a personality typing. It is spiritual,
rather than psychological and speaks directly into the Christian tradition. So
much of it just makes sense. The more I learn about the Enneagram, the more I
see the truth in my own nature – the good and the not so. I think there is some
work to be done in the near future in exploring what Holy Wisdom might mean for
me and how Jesus, as the embodiment of this, might be rediscovered in a new
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