Thursday, 2 January 2025

Word for 2025 - Home

 I have spent the last few days revisiting the choices of my words of the year over the last decade. The first time I chose a word for the year was in 2012 - the word was Integrity. Although I was certain I had continued this tradition faithfully since, my journals indicate otherwise. There seem to be a few missing years early on. Some years my word of the year has been obvious, almost slapping me in the face. Other years have taken more time and more soul searching. As I look back - Courage, Cherish, Awaken, Behold, Horizon - I can recall what was happening for me in those years and the growth that occured for me. At times the word develops a life of it's own, emerging with life's circumstances. Who knew when I chose "Flow" for my 2024 word that we would buy a block of land where a winter creek flowed and filled us with so much anticipation and joy.

I have been resistant to my word for 2025. It seems too obvious - perhaps too literal. We will be building a house this year. I am very aware this is going to take a lot of our energy and time. It is exciting, daunting and grounding. Beside all the choices of colours, textures, tiles and taps, there is also an ongoing conversation about creating a space that is home for us. This takes us beyond choices of colour to how we create a place of peace, calm and welcome.

Although there is no building on our block at this stage, the space already feels like home. We are coming to know the creatures we share the space with, our friendly neighbours who take the time to say hello, and the homecoming feeling of that first deep breath when we get out of the car. There is something about this space, this place, that brings calm to both of us. We love tending this piece of land - pulling weeds, watering new plants and connecting with the various birds and critters. We cannot wait to truly call this place home and have our postal address match where our hearts reside.

My inability to ignore "home" as my word of 2025, however, comes from a different place. Throughout 2024 a deeper meaning of coming home has continued to disturb me. I have dreamt about trying to get home, things preventing me from returning home and renovating houses. In spiritual direction sessions it is not uncommon to end up talking about a sense of my spiritual home or where I feel I belong. Although I have done some work on this, it seems a perfect opportunity for the external journey to mirror the internal. While I am exploring different aspects of my new house and watching it become reality in the building, I will also pay attention to my inner home. There are so many questions to ponder: How does it feel to be "at home" in myself? To "come home" to God? What does this home look like? And who shares the space with me?

There are numerous cliches about home. Home is where the heart is. Make yourself at home. Home sweet home. And even one of my favourites - There's no place like home. But finding a spiritual home, a space where we are at peace and feel loved and known can be difficult. The irony, for me, is that I long for a place to be at home but find myself restless and wandering. 2025 is a year for me to be intentional in my desire to find a home - both an inner and outer journey.