Saturday 8 September 2012

Bringing the Future into the Now

I am spending the weekend at our annual Synod/Presbytery meeting. It is always a tiring weekend for me. Naturally an introvert, I find the constant interaction and catching up with people exhausting, but very important.

I have been pleasantly surprised so far with how this meeting is going. Yes, we have got through some business that is sometimes a little dry and sometimes amazingly inspiring. But there have also been some profound moments of just being the people of God. Times of lament and confession and times of celebration. I see it as so important that we take the time to be who we are, not just talk about it.

I also learned a new word today, 'proleptic'. Similar to 'prophetic', proleptic is about bringing the future into the now. In the Christian tradition, we live with the hope of reconciliation of all things. We often speak about this as the kingdom of God. To live with this hope is not about wishing it might happen some time in the future. It is actually about living in such a way that this future reality is made real right now. What a challenge for us in our everyday lives. My hope is that in the remainder of our meeting tomorrow we will be able to be proleptic together.

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