Saturday, 20 October 2012

A Kiss of Delight

I went looking for a piece I wrote in my journal that I used twelve years ago during our time in Tonga. What a distraction! It is fascinating reading the thoughts, poetry and struggles of my younger-self. As part of our training week to prepare for our two years away, we were given the task of thinking about our spiritual grounding. I can't remember the exact details of this, but my memory is that when we faced times of trouble and doubt while we were away, we could turn to what we had written as our spiritual grounding and find comfort. 

The seasons and the timing of our days has always been a comfort to me. As the sun sets on the day, we sleep in the confidence that a new day will begin at dawn. Dusk and dawn have always been very spiritual moments in my life. Sometimes the most profound thoughts and experiences of God happen as the sun meets the horizon. Maybe there is something about the beauty in the sky or maybe as the sun meets the horizon it speaks of the thin places where God and I meet. Whatever it may be, this is the image I used twelve years ago to be my spiritual grounding while I was far away from home. Today, I might write something very different. However, this statement still speaks truth into a life that is very different now.

The Kiss of Delight

God has given me a new day
The rays of the sunrise tough me and bless me
You are my child
A kiss of delight
The warmth of my God wraps me up
The light of my God allows me to see
The breeze through my hair gives me life
The sand between my toes lets me know there is work to be done
I will run in delight where God will lead
I will see God in the smiles, the tears, the words
I will show God in my smile, my tears, my words
My Creator in me and me in my Creator's world.

At the setting of the sun
The rays will touch me and bless me
You are my child
A kiss of delight
Then I can rest knowing that my hurts, my struggles, my pain, my failures
Are in God's hands
Tomorrow God will give me a new day.

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