Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Time to Register

The end of the year is fast approaching. Most people are just trying to make it to Christmas and have not even thought about 2013 yet. I want to put out a challenge that goes against the grain. Why not decide now to do something for yourself and your own spiritual health next year. 

Often we put ourselves last in our priorities, especially when it comes to our spiritual journey. Well, here's a simple way to make sure this doesn't happen next year. Why not register to be involved in "A Mandala a Month". The first registrations are already coming in for both the online and in person options. My kids have even asked me to sign them up, which I am very excited about. Give yourself a Christmas gift that will last all of next year!!

If you want to find out more have a look here. Please feel free to email me at cathielambert@hotmail.com if you have any questions or concerns. I would love to hear from you.

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