Sunday 4 August 2013

Return of the Reluctant Blogger

It has been quite a while since my last post. I could rattle off  list of excuses, but I won't bore you. I guess sometimes life just takes you by the hand and says "run". You don't want to miss out on the ride and you certainly don't want to let go of the hand in case you get lost. And so you take on the pace set before you and before you know it five months have passed. Its not that I haven't been reflecting, it has just happened more while I am driving or in the shower or in the garden. 

I guess there is part of my personality that wonders why anybody what want to read my ramblings. I have been encouraged by a few people that have asked recently why I haven't been posting. I guess if one or two people get something out of my sharing then it is worth it. I know deep down, even though I tend to be a private person, that sharing is also good for my own soul.

In church today we read the parable about the farmer who built bigger and better barns and was tied up with his own success he forgot about others. Well, I can't say I have the wealth of this farmer, but I can certainly be stingy and greedy like him in other ways. For me, I am stingy with my sharing of myself and knowledge. I have a tendency to keep things to myself and feel I can do it alone. Sharing on a blog is not a natural thing for me to.

And what has spurred me on to begin sharing again. I am about to embark on a journey of a lifetime. Tomorrow I leave for a study trip/ pilgrimage to Israel. I am excited, curious and expectant. I am expecting to meet God in different and real ways while I am away. I am not sure if I will be able to post while I am away, but will certainly be able to share some of the stories on my return.

1 comment:

  1. Wow - Israel! Wishing you safe and wonder-filled travels, Cathie. Am certainly looking forward to the stories that you will have to tell xx
